Woodland for sale is not the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about land but it is becoming increasingly popular for private purchasers. Only a few years ago, the possibility of finding small private woodland for sale was almost unheard of - what would someone do with it?
The woodland was often large acreage, farmed for timber, usually located in Scotland or Wales, such as 750 acres near Inverness, costing in excess of £750,000. This size of woodland could yield revenue from selling timber but it also required maintenance and replenishment of any felled trees.
In recent years, demand for woodland has driven more onto the market. True, it is still a specialist sector and tends to be sold by specialist land agents but you can now find your idyllic piece of woodland for sale in a variety of locations around the UK.
Woodland is still relatively cheap and mainly is sold in blocks of 50+ acres, however, most people look for small, private woodland of around 10+ acres. Since woodland requires maintenance, this is a manageable size for the average enthusiast, but finding smaller woodland with good access is fairly difficult.
Often land is talked about in terms of ‘price per acre’. This in many ways is a misnomer - it applies if you are buying a larger acreage e.g. 750 acres in Inverness. Bulk buying effectively gives you a lower cost per unit rate, as it would it a supermarket, but if you are buying a small woodland for your own enjoyment, you will be looking at a total cost.
For example, you should be able to buy a 10 acre woodland for between £30,000 to £80,000. The range in price is dedicated by the location. Woodland within M25 comes at a premium, whilst it’s equivalent in Herefordshire is considerably cheaper.
Beyond the sales price, your woodland purchase is very inexpensive and simple. Apart from solicitor’s fees of around £400, there is nothing else to pay - no council tax, no surveyor’s fee. Third party insurance is around £70 per annum.
As with any purchase, it is well worth doing your homework first. Go and visit woods you know, walk around and get an idea of what you like and how much space you think you’ll need. This will give you an idea of exactly what you are looking for.
A hilly woodland will give you great views but a flat one is generally more manageable and more secluded. A brook or stream, even a small one, can be a huge bonus if you looking at camping.
Below we’ve listed a few companies who have private woodlands for sale.
www.deerland.co.uk / 023 9246 7236
Has details of land for sale required by the hunting sportsmen.
www.vantageland.co.uk / 01727 701641
Specialist land agents who often have woodland for sale.
A small family business, whose objective is to help people to find woodlands of a manageable size.